Pornthip Kongchun

COO and Co-Founder at Jitta

Biography :

Pornthip is the COO with   In her role,  she  is focused on strategic,  practical growth,  partner business developments,  sales and marketing  as  well  as  daily  management  of  the  company’s operations.

Prior to,  she was Head of Thailand Marketing  at Google  where she built  and  led  Google business  in  Thailand  to  achieve short,  long-term business goals  and  built the brand with love  and passion.   She  spent  nearly  10  years with Google,  before moving back  to  her hometown  where  she  worked  in  Singapore with the Southeast Asian team to develop the regional business partnership across Google’s products including Google Finance,  Search,  Maps and Mobile.

Prior to Google, she was Partner Account Manager at Microsoft to build partner ecosystem  and drive sales revenue in mid and small businesses.   She also worked for Mono Group in Thailand and led the digital media  and contents,  where she first started her career path in technology.