About IAIT 2016 conference
2016 Group Photo
Smart city is an emerging concept that is currently being seriously studied and promoted by many governments. By leveraging ICT, the motivation of a smart city aims holistically at improving the living standards of the citizens at the individual levels, and optimizing the use of collective resources of a town, city or even a nation at the macro-level. Smart cities are supported by multiple technologies for enhancing the performance of health, transportation, energy, security and usages of societal resources. In the view of an eco-system, smart city is of a metaphor to a living giant whose brain is the central decision making and command center, empowered by big data analytics, with blood veins as information flows and continuous data feeds collected from networks of distributed sensors as nerves of real-time perceptions of the dynamic environments.
In the 8th International Conference on Advances in Information Technology (IAIT2016), which will take place at University of Macau, December 19-22, 2016, the topics related to smart cities and the enabling technologies such as big data, IoT, sensing techniques, data analytics, infrastructures and advances on information technology will be pondered on, through the interactions between academic researchers from different regions and cultures. The theme of the conference is "Impacts of Big Data Analytics and Applications on Smart Cities". Timely research topics will be discussed via presentations of the latest progresses and developments of ICT, big data analytics and applications for solving social problems by implementing smart cities.
The conference will be held in conjunction with CSBio2016, ICBE 2016 providing great opportunity for IAIT participants to meet researchers in other related fields as well.

All accepted papers will be published in Procedia Computer Science. a high visibility online publication on ScienceDirect.com, Elsevier's premier online platform, with free access (open access) | ISSN: 1877-0509
Important Date

Date of conference: 19-22 December 2016
Full manuscript submission deadline: 1 November 2016
Notification of acceptance: 14 November 2016
Abstract submission deadline:1 November 2016
Notification of acceptance: 5 working days
Registration Deadline: 25 November 2016
The "Impacts of Big Data Analytics and Applications on Smart Cities" theme covers all topics in Advances in Information Technology, including, but not limited to:
Advanced ICT for Smart Home and Smart Cities
Analysis of Technical Requirements
Big Data Fundamentals, Analytics and Applications
Cloud Computing
Data Mining and Data Stream Mining
Digital Contents
Distribution System
e-Government, e-Commerce, e-Services, e-Science and Creative
Technologies for IoT and Big Data
Future of IoT, Big Data and Smart Cities
Green Computing
Human Computer Interaction
Information Assurance and Security
Integration as a Service (Data; Service; Business; Federated IoT and
Big Data)
Internet of Things and Sensor Applications
Machine Learning Algorithms and Scalable/Parallel/Distributed
Mobile Applications
Networking and Security
Optimization Algorithms and Metaheuristics
Privacy preserving and Security approaches for large scale analytics
Social Computing
System Integration and Architecture
Theory and Practice of Engineering Smart Cities
Usability Issues
Volume, Velocity, Variety and Veracity for Data Science